Prediction dApp is coming to Avalanche Ecosystem!
“Prediction”, one of the most popular applications of the DeFi world, is now coming to the Avalanche Ecosystem by Canary Exchange!
As it is known, “prediction” style applications need data coming from outside to the blockchain.
Companies that provide external data to Blockchain are called “Oracle”.
Until now, there was no Oracle company providing data to Avalanche Network. However, thanks to Chainlink, is now on the Avalanche Testnet! And it’s coming to the mainnet very soon. This means that the Canary’s Prediction dApp will be on the Avalanche Mainnet very soon.
In fact, Canary’s Prediction dApp is currently live on the Avalanche Fuji testnet. You can go in and try it right now!
Let’s take a look at what “Prediction” is.
CanaryDex, AVAX Price Prediction dApp is a fun and simple decentralized prediction market.
Predict whether AVAX’s price will rise or fall — guess correctly to win!
It’s easy to take part:
Predict if the price of AVAXUSDT will be higher or lower than it was when the “LIVE” phase starts.
If you enter an “UP” position, and the AVAXUSDT “Closed Price” is higher than the “Locked Price” at the end of the 10 minute LIVE phase, you WIN! And if it’s lower, you lose.
If you enter a “DOWN” position, and the AVAXUSDT “Closed Price” is higher than the “Locked Price” at the end of the 10 minute LIVE phase, you LOSE! If it’s lower, you win.
To play Prediction on Avalanche Fuji Testnet:
Add Fuji testnet settings to your Metamask
Network Name: Avalanche FUJI C-Chain
ChainID: 43113
Symbol: AVAX
Get your AVAX for test from
Go to
Note: Prediction will launch on Mainnet very soon
Have fun!